This Tuesday’s Tale: The Rescue Of A Stray Beach Dog


The tale of Blue

This is the tale of Blue. She lived on the beach following people around begging for affection until one day somebody finally rescued her.

I am a big fan of stories about rescued animals and I have been finding out there a lot of them. This makes me really, really happy! The part that makes me sad is that it seems there were so many other people who just “left her.” We would never do that if we saw a child on the beach alone. Why is it “ok” to leave a dog, that apparently has no “pet parent”, by itself on the beach?

Anyway, the video below tells the story. I hope you enjoy!

If YOU know of a rescue story, will you please share it with me.

5 thoughts on “This Tuesday’s Tale: The Rescue Of A Stray Beach Dog

meow, woof, moo, neigh, however you want to say it, please say it