Just A Little Note

just a little note

You may have noticed I changed my header. I am still working on it and will still make a few more small changes to it. It’s nice to see it LIVE and then I can decide what changes need to be made. It’s also possible there will be some other changes to the look of the blog. We’ll see. I’ll be playing around with it when I have time. I wanted you all to know what was going on. Didn’t want you to think you were going crazy if things look one way one time and are different the next time you visit. 🙂

If you follow me on Facebook  or Twitter, I currently still have the old header on those pages. I plan to change them soon. (Btw…if you have a Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest Page, let me know so I can “Like/Follow” you. I hope you’ll “Like/Follow” me too.)

I actually plan to change my entire site someday, but that will be a big project! So it’s definitely for the SOMEDAY category!

OK…so now you know the scoop.

6 thoughts on “Just A Little Note

  1. Sparkyjen

    Fresh! Maybe I’m just partial to kitty cats, but I like it. I actually gave a gleeful grunt when I opened your blog here. Just so you know, your content is pretty awesome, so that’s important right? You probably have a someday or two left before you have to do a complete overhaul. Stay consistently interesting and on theme as you are currently, and I think you’re good to keep going this way forward. Highest and Best!!!

    Liked by 1 person


meow, woof, moo, neigh, however you want to say it, please say it