A Dog Forced In An Overhead Bin

Being an animal advocate I can’t pass by the hot topic right now concerning a precious dog who lost his life on an airplane.  This little 10 month old puppy’s life was lost tragically. A flight attendant forced passengers to put their dog in the over head bin. If you haven’t heard about this, the video below will explain.

There are all kinds of heated discussions about this on social media. Some blame the dog’s mom (hate the word “owner”), other’s blame the flight attendant and some blame both.

I look into those eyes and my heart is broken.

To me it seems the flight attendant wasn’t looking at this dog as a living, feeling being. She treated him as an object.

One big question being asked, should the flight attendant be fired? What do you think?

Note: I would like to take this time to share this great article I came across: Scholarly Support for Nonhuman Rights. I thought it was fitting. I think this is great but I have always known…animals are not and never have been “property” (and in this puppy’s case “a piece of luggage”).

21 thoughts on “A Dog Forced In An Overhead Bin

  1. Lauren

    Horrific. I knew there was a reason I discontinued air travel long ago. Do they also stash human infants in overhead bins? I think a boycot of United Airlines and any other airline with this practice is in order.

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  2. mandibelle16

    What a stupid flight attendant. I’d refuse and say I need to speak to the pilot/co-pilot or security. I don’t care who. I’d rather her get off. Get the flight attendants name and go hash it out with customer service and her supervisor in the airport. People just give in sometimes, it’s hard and inconvenient, but it’s not worth any living animal or humans life.


      1. mandibelle16

        Of course, I’d ask to speak to her supervisor (the attendant in charge). Or another attendant even. Maybe this girl just didn’t get it. I don’t get how. But surely another person would’ve been more aware. Or other passengers? Ask for their help.

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  3. mandibelle16

    Stupid family too. You don’t agree. You make a scene and embarrass the flight attendant. I would have checked on her despite turbulence. F the flight attendant. Sorry, but his makes me so mad.


    1. colinandray

      Agreed. Did the flight attendant understand what was in the bag? Did the “check-in” folk know that an animal was being boarded? I would have thought that the flight attendant who greeted and directed boarding passengers would have taken the bag and stored it safely …. if he/she knew what was inside. I had a similar experience years when I boarded with a guitar case. They made it quite clear that I could not take it to my seat, but they would look after it … which they did.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Animals Are Feeling Beings Too Post author

        There have been questions raised about whether or not the flight attendant knew there was a dog inside. But the family said they told her a few times. I would have shouted it at the top of my lungs to be sure they heard me correctly and I would have refused!


        1. colinandray

          Absolutely agree. If the flight attendant was insistent, I would have made so much noise that the whole plane, include the cockpit crew, would have heard me. They do have space for storing unique items.

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      2. mandibelle16

        From what I saw, the family said no, our dog is in there. But the flight attendant wasn’t paying attention. She insisted and there was some understanding language issues with accents etc. As, at the end, the flight attendant is described as ‘frazzled’ and didn’t know there was a dog in the case. I don’t know how u couldn’t. They said the dog barked softly at first, so I imagine he would bark when the flight attendant picked him up.and stowed him. Why the family wouldn’t get up and check, I don’t understand, even with some turbulence. When he stopped woofing, I’d be worried. Yes Colin, you’re right about it. They should have looked after the dog better. Their carriers I’d think wold be fairly common on flights that an attendant would recognize one? I always do.

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  4. Karen Lucas

    I think that you have to make so much noise/fuss that either they let you stow it under your seat or they have to turn back to the gate and remove you from the plane – either way your dearest dog would survive. There are always going to be stupid people telling people the wrong information and sometimes resulting in a tragedy like this. Saying sorry afterwards changes nothing as the dog is still gone.

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meow, woof, moo, neigh, however you want to say it, please say it