Cino’s Grandma

cino-grandma-home-aafbtShe came home almost a week ago which is wonderful! But she is still sick and still trying to recover from pneumonia, the flu, and all the yuck that can come with taking all of those antibiotics. We would appreciate continued prayers for her full recovery. Cino’s grandma is a strong lady who has been through a lot in her life but has always tried to stay positive and press on. She is a good role model in so many ways and we love her so much!

This is my second post today. Be sure to check out “Sunday Pause (Paws): AWWW” also. 🙂

17 thoughts on “Cino’s Grandma

  1. AmyRose🌹

    LeeAnn, is your Grandma taking probiotics? If not, please check probiotics online. Antibiotics kill the good bacteria in the GI tract and taking probiotics replaces that much needed bacteria. So happy to hear she is recovering. 🌟🌟🌟

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