Sunday Pause (Paws): Changes

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back, relax, and maybe consider making a change.

Change can be hard, but it can also be good. It depends on what kind of change it is. We usually make changes when we feel the need. It’s good to take some time every now & then to reflect on any areas of our lives we may need to change.

The change I am making and want to share with you (with the help of Cino) is to my blog website.


You will soon be noticing a different look to my blog. As much as I adore my sweet Cino, this blog is not about her. It is about all animals. She will still be in the design along side a bunch of other animal friends. The layout of the blog will remain the same for now. It is the header/banner and the background color that will be different.

This change has been in the works for about a year. I have been working with Dana Stevens on the animals. I love art and I love animals. I took them both to come up with the new design. Have you ever noticed that in all of my headers/banners thus far Cino has been featured in them as a painting? So you see, I have always combined them.

Another change is to my logo. Since the name of my blog is so long I have called it “AAFBT” many times in pictures, in discussions, and it is what my Gravatar image is. (I have the new logo in the image above)

It will take some time for me to get everything changed such as my Facebook, Pinterest, & Twitter pages. You may see the old design on those for a while. But who knows maybe by the time you are seeing this post you will be reading it on the new blog design. 🙂

Not just some new looks, but even the content of my blog has changed over time. I personally have been having a hard time talking about the more graphic hardcore topics when it comes to animals. So I have been trying to keep it on the lighter side. I have been expressing myself more through my poetry and through pictures.

No matter what changes I make with my blog, the one thing that will always remain the same, is my mission to advocate for animals.

Are there any changes you’re thinking about making?

Happy Sunday and I hope you’ll like my new look!

15 thoughts on “Sunday Pause (Paws): Changes

  1. My Golden Life

    Good for you! Change can be scary sometimes! But once we get started and have success with the smaller steps, we begin feeling more confident with the bigger steps. There are some changes swirling about in my head about my blogs, too. I just haven’t had the time to sit down and write them out. Hopefully I’ll be able to do that soon (like before the end of June).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Maria Tatham, a gentle iconoclast

    LeeAnn, I like the changes a lot. Right, they reflect your overall advocacy for animals but Cino is still an important part of things – love her glasses. You should be excited – what joy to see things take shape!

    My own header changes with the seasons or things I want to emphasize.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Animals Are Feeling Beings Too Post author

      Thank you! Cino is still a very important part of things for sure. 🙂 I really wanted to make her bigger because I love that painting of her, but it would have looked weird among the other animals. Getting this banner done is the start of other things, so to me it is not just a banner/header. That is the exciting part. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Maria Tatham, a gentle iconoclast

        Feel silly I used the wrong pronoun for Cino! Sorry!I

        Best wishes and prayers for your continuing advocacy, LeeAnn!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Kathy

    Very nice changes! We too, on Shepherding All God’s Creatures blog, are going to be showing some changes soon. We are getting a complete new web design! Sometimes, as you say, change is good!

    Liked by 1 person


meow, woof, moo, neigh, however you want to say it, please say it