Kindness is a Superpower!

Hi all! The fundraiser is so close to being ready to launch. I’ll share all the details when it is. I hope you’ll stay tuned and consider purchasing one of the fun items we’ll have available. A portion of the sales will go towards helping animals (and people) in need.

Be Open to Other Views

At times, I find myself reevaluating my approach/beliefs about animals/advocacy after conversations where people are questioning or challenging me. My first reaction when I feel I am being challenged or criticized regarding my love for animals and advocacy for them is to get mad and defensive and tell them that they are wrong. I’m sure that’s a common reaction to anyone who feels challenged about something they feel strongly about. It does get your goat🐐 and it’s hard to forget the conversation. But then I remind myself that sharing thoughts and beliefs (and facts) is how we learn from one another. The other person may even teach you something. 😁


I haven’t changed my mind about advocating but I did stop and think about a few things I could do differently.

So, my friends please remember to always be open to listen another’s point of view, to be respectful, and be kind. Noone wants to listen to a


Fundraiser Coming Soon

It’s been a while so I wanted to say hello! I’m on a new journey so I haven’t been posting much on my blog. But I can’t wait to share the products I’ll soon have available for a fundraiser to help animals. Please say hello back! Since blogging can require regular posting to stay connected with others, it would be nice to see who is still out there. I hope you’re all doing well.

Choosing to go Against the Flow

Hello everyone! I have been MIA once again from blogging. As I’ve mentioned before you can’t force a post. So when I don’t have anything to say, I choose to stay silent rather than trying to jibber jabber on about something that I’m not really feeling.

I have been spending time creating some more designs for my new product line. Honestly, I have so many ideas I could spend all my days designing & creating. I wish I could, but with a full time job that’ not going to happen right now.

Anyway, the graphic I am sharing in this post was an idea from today, and so I sat down and made it right away while it was fresh in my mind. I always enjoy seeing how a picture I have in my head will turn out when I try to create it.

This graphic suits me so well…I am definitely the purple fish in a lot of ways! Especially when it comes to animals. The world views animals as “less” than us humans and here for our use however we please. What we are taught, grow up with, and see most of the world doing becomes our “normal.” Then there is so much other “stuff” going on in the world that so many of us just sit and complain about. But the thing is we can choose to do something about it. Instead of just going with the flow and accepting it, we can choose to go against it. We can be the ones to make a difference!

I hope you get some encouragement from this post. Now for an update on my products. A few smaller items such as car coasters, buttons, and air fresheners have been made. The person I am working with debuted my items this weekend at a craft show. I have also showed and sold some items to family, friends, and co-workers. But there are still some details to work out before I can offer them to you all. I also may wait until we have more designs and products available before offering them online. I hope you’ll continue to stay tuned while I figure all of this out.

Take care!

Question: How do you see yourself? One who goes with the flow? Or one who goes against it?

Coming Soon Update

Hello all! Earlier this summer, I posted that I was working on some of my graphics that will be available on some products/items. Now that we’re nearing the end of summer, I wanted to update you. Production will begin soon and I will be sharing a link with you that will show the available items. This will be a fundraiser for animals. When the fundraiser is ready to launch I will share all of the details with you. Please stay tuned!

I really have been enjoying tapping into a creative/artsy side I didn’t even know I had. Something else I have been trying out is drawing people’s pets. My latest is my nephew’s cat, Oliver.


Thank you to all who took the time to fill out the questionnaire on my first post in this series. I want to take a few minutes to explain a little more why I am doing this. I am not doing this for me. I am not doing this to get more likes or followers. I am not doing this to add more content to my blog. I am doing this for animals. How do I mean? Well here is an example. I made a comment on a social media post about the treatment of farm animals and that I do not believe God would approve. Someone respectfully (which is very appreciated) asked me in reply “what about the sacrifices of animals in the bible?” I was thrilled to have someone ask me this (again…respectfully asked). Dialogue is what I want. Dialogue is how we all learn from each other. THAT is why I am doing this series! 😊

So let’s get on to Part 2 of “Feelings & Emotions.”

Here is the link to the second questionnaire: Let’s Discuss Series: “Feelings & Emotions” Part 2. It will take less than a minute to fill out but will make a huge impact! Thank you in advance!


Hello all. I am starting a series called “Let’s Discuss.” In each post I will have a link to a Google Doc where it will take you two minutes to fill out but will make a huge impact.

The first topic/questionnaire is “Feelings & Emotions.” Here is the link: Thank you in advance! ❤️


I just found out that August is “Happiness” month and I love that! The truth is those of us who fight for animals can struggle with being “happy” when there is so much cruelty going on.

Anyone who works to help the less fortunate does incredibly hard work. But when the less fortunate are so unfortunate they aren’t even considered by many to be part of society, the toil can feel unbearable.

Taken from the Dodo in a Farm Sanctuary interview

But since August is about “HAPPY” I wanted to focus on that. I made the following video. I hope you enjoy! (Volume up)

Most of us who work in animal advocacy do because we care so much, but you must care for yourself to care for animals.

Taken from Animal Charity Evaluators Roundtable Blog Series

Some suggestions to keep a balanced life is to watch cartoons for a laugh, be with friends & family, and have some enjoyable hobbies.

I will be posting soon the start of a “Let’s Discuss” series. I also am still working on products for sale to raise money for animals in need. Please stay tuned and I hope you’ll participate because this blog isn’t about me, it’s about us all (animals, people, and our society). Thanks!