Sunday Pause (Paws): Cino Update


It’s Sunday, time to take a paws like Cino pictured above! 🙂

I wanted to update you on how Cino is doing since her scary appointment in January. (If you didn’t see my earlier posts about this you can read them by clicking the following links: Prayers for Cino and Cino’s Appointment) Most of her tummy fur has grown back. The picture below is her positioning herself so I could come over and give her tummy kisses. She loves her tummy kisses. As you can see, its not a pink tummy anymore, but a tummy full of fur.


She ate the food that the vet recommended for about three months straight and then one day decided she wanted nothing to do with it. This doesn’t surprise because that’s my Cino!

She was also doing a great job licking her gel medication off of my finger, also for about three months, when the same thing happened…she decided she wanted nothing to do with it anymore. So now I put the gel on my finger and then chase her around until I can get close enough to her to smear it on her paw. This way she will lick it off (you have to get creative). Cino lets me know she’s not very pleased about this by flicking her paw to try to get it off which causes the gel to fly everywhere. Mind you this is not a light colored gel. This is a dark reddish purple colored gel. This technique works, she licks most of it off, and I am always right behind her cleaning up the flying gel. 🙂

Below shows some of the gel smeared on her paw. The photo was taken with my phone camera so the quality is not good, but you get the idea.


Here she is licking it off.


Cino has an appointment at the end of June for her yearly physical when I am sure the vet and I will discuss how things are going so far. For now things are good. Below is a video of her having fun playing with her feather the lazy Sunday way…on her back (at least we can see her tummy).

Happy Sunday!

8 thoughts on “Sunday Pause (Paws): Cino Update

  1. Conchita Quilt

    I’ve been absent and didn’t know about poor Cino, I’m so glad she’s almost all better, poor baby! I’m positive the next results will show a full recovery, after all, her Mum takes excellent care of her. My doggies send her four big wet kisses without the chasing 😽😽😽😽

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meow, woof, moo, neigh, however you want to say it, please say it