Father’s Day

I don’t usually write two posts in one day but I wrote a poem that reflects some things I have been feeling lately and wanted to share it. I also thought since today is Father’s Day that anyone who has lost their father, doesn’t have one around, or doesn’t have a good relationship with theirs might be encouraged. We all have a Father available if we just look up.

image from pixabay

When you hear about another shooting
And your emotions are starting to buildup
It’s easy to start feeling scared
But I am going to choose to look up

When you hear about another abused animal
And you’re crying for that pup
It’s easy to start feeling hopeless
But I am going to choose to look up

When you’re missing a lost loved one
And it seems you have an empty cup
It’s easy to start feeling depressed
But I am going to choose to look up

When in this world life isn’t any easier
For a child than for a grownup
It’s easy to start feeling concerned
But I am going to choose to look up

When you’re questioning everything
And you’re looking at life closeup
It’s easy to start feeling worried
But I am going to choose to look up

When the pain is strong that you’re holding inside
And you’re sitting with tears on your face…STAND-UP!
It is easy to give in and feel down
But YOU can choose to look up

©Animals Are Feeling Beings Too

9 thoughts on “Father’s Day

meow, woof, moo, neigh, however you want to say it, please say it