Sunday Pause (Paws): A Dream Tale

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back, relax, grab a cup of coffee and read a little story…a little dream tale.


A princess had been working hard at her day job and on her blog at night. She was also battling a bad cold so she was extra tired when she went to bed that night. Thoughts were going this way & that way in her head and soon she was in a dream.


She heard about a horse that had ran off and his family, who lived in Canada, was very worried. There was a sighting of the horse and the word was he was last seen standing in the middle of a parking lot. The parking lot was in a strip mall in the town the princess had grew up in. She knew this area well so she drove down there to try to help.

Meanwhile the family heard where their beloved horse was so the man jumped in his car and took off to go and get him.

Back at the strip mall the horse was now standing in the parking lot frozen like a statue.

The princess knew she needed to watch over him until the man arrived. You see he was coming from Canada and the horse was in the United States. So she sat in her car and waited.

Ten minutes later the man had arrived.

It turned out the man was a fellow blogger of the princess. She thought “WOW what a coincidence.”

The princess watched as he comforted the horse and started to guide him over to his car. She shouted over to him so she could catch him and introduce herself. After a little chatting she asked him “how will you get your horse home in this car?” and he very calmly replied “the two dogs will ride in the front with me and the horse will ride in the backseat.” The princess asked “how will he ever fit back there?”. He replied “I’ll just have him sit.”

They said their goodbyes so the man could get his furry family members home and then the princess woke up thinking “what just happened?!”


Dreams are really weird sometimes aren’t they? And sometimes you can make sense out of them and sometimes you can’t. Well this one, I can.

The princess was me and the blogger from Canada was Colin Chappell from meandray.

Here is what I think…

A gal at work was showing me pictures from a photo shoot her daughter had with a horse. She LOVES horses so there were many pictures. I was also emailing with Colin about his new book. Whala…I meshed the two together and a crazy dream was born.

What I learned from the dream…

Colin apparently has super powers to be able to get from Canada to the U.S. in ten minutes. And apparently horses are able to sit in the back seat of a car.

(By the way, Colin only has 1 dog and does not have a horse)

Well that’s the end of my crazy dream story.

Happy Sunday! I wish you a day full of rest (and maybe a crazy little dream of your own).

What is the weirdest dream you have ever have?

10 thoughts on “Sunday Pause (Paws): A Dream Tale

  1. jowensauthor

    Haha! Sounds like one of my dreams. I typically have crazy, off-the-wall weird dreams. Like one I had a few weeks ago. I don’t remember all the details, only that I was walking a dog that was supposed to be Cinnamon (she’s at Rainbow Bridge, if you remember) and we passed by someone with a reindeer and for some reason I decided to get on its back with Cinnamon and ride it.

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