Tag Archives: blogging

Need You Please

My dear blogging community can I please ask you to pray for us. I would rather not get into details. I just ask that you trust me and know we are in a desperate situation and need prayers.


That is part of what makes this blogging community so great! We can reach out to one another. Thank you for that!❤️

Sunday Pause (Paws): Do I Have To?

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back and relax.

Do you ever just want to stay under the covers?


Maybe you ask sometimes “do I have to?”

Do I have to…
•go out in the freezing cold
•go to work
•clean the house
•do the laundry
•etc., etc., etc.

The answer is yes! Continue reading

Sunday Pause (Paws): Not In The Mood

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back, relax, and for me make a blog post. But sometimes I’m just not in the mood.

Us bloggers have our blogs for a reason and most of us try our best to be actively posting. But sometimes are you just not in the mood? I can’t be the only one.

I recently was sick with an awful cold that I had for about a week but I am feeling better now. The weather though has been hot with high humidity which is doing a number on me. I get sinus issues and headaches from it. There are a number of sick people I’m around at my job too. So I’m just praying I don’t catch anything else.

Aside of trying to feel good, I have been searching for a new home which is keeping me busy along with my full time job. So when it comes to sitting down and writing a post… well frankly I’m just not in the mood. I’d rather curl up on the couch and take a nap.

Sometimes I just want to sit and do nothing and just be!

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Sunday Pause (Paws): Trying To Fit In

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back, relax, and do some thinking.

I‘m not sure how long you have been blogging but have you ever noticed how sometimes you seem to have a lot of interaction (or Likes) on your posts and sometimes hardly at all? When it is hardly at all it makes you start to wonder why. Is it that your blogging community is busy and just not seeing your posts or maybe they just don’t like that particular post?

Some of you have been with me for a while on this blogging journey. You know that I have changed things along the way as probably many of us have. Lately it kind of seems like I am not getting a lot of interaction. It made me start wondering if it could be because I have been using cartoon images a lot more often and not writing as much. I started thinking about that and if I should try to change my posts. But I realized I really don’t want to, at least not right now, because I am finding joy in creating the cartoons.

Thinking about all of this made me also think about how we worry about our popularity or if we are fitting in. Not just with social media but with everything. But is that really what matters?

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Sunday Pause (Paws): Love & Appreciation

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back, relax, and for me I would like to express appreciation to all of you!

It’s Valentine’s week and Valentine’s is all about love and appreciation. So I wanted to take this time to thank all of my new followers, my old followers, and the ones who have been with me since the beginning.

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Writer’s Block

As a blogger, do you ever feel like there just isn’t much to write about? Of course I am just talking about certain times, not all of the time. This is me lately. I know it’s just a temporary “writer’s block.” Sometimes I have tons to write about that I have to keep a list.

I don’t want to force myself to create a post if I don’t really have anything to say because then I just don’t feel it will be a very good one. This is one of the reasons why I stopped doing “Tuesday Tales.” I have kept “Sunday Pause (Paws)” though because it gives me an opportunity once a week to write a more positive, happy post (at least most of them are). But I do have a hard time coming up with something for those too at times.

There are times when I feel more inspired to create an image than to write about something. But then sometimes the image says it all like this one that I created.

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Forget the Dogs…It’s “Happy Cat Month”



If you have a photo of your cat you’d like to share with me I will use it on my blog sometime during September (aka: Happy Cat Month). I LOVE seeing & sharing other people’s pets. Please email them to: animalsarefeelingbeingstoo@q.com.


Sunday Pause (Paws): A Dream Tale

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back, relax, grab a cup of coffee and read a little story…a little dream tale.


A princess had been working hard at her day job and on her blog at night. She was also battling a bad cold so she was extra tired when she went to bed that night. Thoughts were going this way & that way in her head and soon she was in a dream.


She heard about a horse that had ran off and his family, who lived in Canada, was very worried. There was a sighting of the horse and the word was he was last seen standing in the middle of a parking lot. The parking lot was in a strip mall in the town the princess had grew up in. She knew this area well so she drove down there to try to help.

Meanwhile the family heard where their beloved horse was so the man jumped in his car and took off to go and get him.

Back at the strip mall the horse was now standing in the parking lot frozen like a statue. Continue reading

To Bee Or Not To Bee…Stung

Hello all. I didn’t plan on writing a post tonight but a lot of the material I get is from my day to day life. So when this happened today, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to write about it in the form of a little story. Here goes…

“Once upon a time there were 23 school age children and 4 teachers that walked to a park for a class trip. The children decided to play hide & seek when all of a sudden one of the boys who was hiding in a bush came out running. He was getting stung by bees.

Soon all of the children and the teachers were running from a boat load of bees chasing them around at the park. Many of them are now getting stung.


Continue reading