Beginning Of A New Season

We’ve had two days of light snow and very cold weather. Between the snow and cold temperatures it has been very slippery on the roads and sidewalks. Even though I am not a huge fan of summer, it’s way too soon for this. It’s only the first week of November!

Anyway, since it can’t be stopped, during this change of season let’s not forget our pets.


How about your area? Any snowfall or cold temperatures?

17 thoughts on “Beginning Of A New Season

  1. colinandray

    We are cold (around 4C), overcast with chance of flurries, and windy (gusting to 70 km/h). Just have to dress for it and enjoy! If I had some control over the weather, I would probably change it right now, but I have no control over it so I may as well dress appropriately and just enjoy it. Do I want to be happy or miserable? Seems a bit of a “no-brainer” really! 🙂

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      1. colinandray

        It’s the only practical way if one’s own happiness is a priority. It can be challenging at times but, if you look at a situation hard enough and long enough … there’s a positive angle there somewhere! 🙂

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          1. colinandray

            It comes down to choices. We all have choices! I can choose to complain about the weather, or I can choose to embrace it. I can choose to get upset at my workload, or I can choose to see it as a gesture of faith in my ability and plan accordingly. I can choose to complain about the train being late, or I can chose to be happy because at least we do have trains! I can choose to complain about the increased cost of living, or I can choose to be happy that I can still afford to live relatively comfortably. I could have chosen to reject Ray given his medical bills and behavioral issues … but I chose to work with him.
            So many people simply lay blame, because when you lay blame, you are delegating the responsibility. If you consciously make choices, then you have to accept responsibility for those choices. Get it? 🙂

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            1. Animals Are Feeling Beings Too Post author

              Yes, I have been working at trying to be positive and work through things. But I am reaching a point where I realize I can’t change them, I can only make the changes to my life. It is literally to the point of my well-being, physical & mental. So I need to make some choices/changes.

              Liked by 1 person

  2. Lauren

    Greetings from southeastern Washington State! This is prairie country, and the wind chill can be amazing. Our weather is diverse within every season, so it needs the practice every season, every year. We’ve had sun, rain, cold, and mild in turn most days this season, whatever it is.

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  3. colinandray

    Well done! You’ve realized something that so many people never grasp … that if you are confronted with something you cannot change, then you still have choices. You can choose how you are going to respond to the situation.
    It is also important to understand that we are in charge of our emotions. “He makes me so mad.” is technically nonsense. He can say something objectionable, stupid etc., but he has no control over your emotions. You would be totally responsible for choosing to get angry or mad … or you could choose to be indifferent, or just walk away. 🙂

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