Sunday Pause (Paws): Cino Going Back to the Vet


It’s Sunday! This Sunday I wanted to ask if you’ll take a break from the busyness and once again say a prayer for Cino.

Some of you know that back in January I had to bring Cino in for an ultrasound. Here is the post if you haven’t read it: Sunday Pause (Paws): Prayers for Cino. This Tuesday she will be going in for her annual physical. But we will also be checking to see if there is any blood in her urine as there has been the last few times.

Cino & I are both picky about what she eats. She doesn’t always want to eat what I want her to eat and I don’t always want her to eat what she wants to. She was really good about eating the food the veterinarian said we should try for her little kidney stone, but then decided one day she wanted nothing more to do with it.

I would really appreciate prayers that the few months she was willing to eat that food, at least most of the time,  was enough. Prayers that her stone has broken up and that my veterinarian can help me find some other food options for her.

Also, bringing her to the vet is no treat, so prayer for that would be awesome too! Your prayers last time helped immensely!

If you follow me on Facebook you may have seen the image below with the poem posted this week. I wrote the poem during those few days before her appointment for the ultrasound when I was becoming very anxious. Those two words “Just Breathe” helped me through it. Maybe it will help you too.

For anyone who has experienced the hard times of worrying about your pet’s health or feeling like others don’t understand the love you have for your pet, you’re not alone.

(I changed the words in the original poem I wrote from words like “I”, “I’m”, & “I’ve”, “me”, etc. to “you”, “you’re”, “you’ve”)


17 thoughts on “Sunday Pause (Paws): Cino Going Back to the Vet

    1. Animals Are Feeling Beings Too Post author

      Thank you! I hope Mara’s check up goes well too. Has Mara had any health problems or is it just the annual physical. Maybe you can understand my stress about eve just getting her to the vet. She hates going into her carrier, it’s a fight between her & I. I may have figured that out by putting food in it. Hopefully it works. Prayers! 🙂


      1. lovelyandgrateful

        Thanks. We found a tumour back in January (which had to be removed) and this is her six month post-op check up with the oncologist. Mara hates going to the vet too. It’s such a worry when our pets are unwell or injured. 😔

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  1. Lauren

    I will be in prayer for Cino–that the Lord will bestow His kindness and healing on her small frame–and for you, LeeAnn, that your strength and faith will sustain you; and Cino, who can perceive your emotions, will also be given sustaining strength. I know how it feels–I went through so much with Coolidge.

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