Tag Archives: poems

Neglecting The Signs

Hello all. I did not write a Sunday Pawzing post today. Sundays are the day I set aside for writing posts and I try to keep them on the “lighter” side. But since I am not currently writing posts during the week, and this is what is on my mind, I wrote about domestic abuse and animal abuse and how they are intertwined. Therefore, I am not calling it “Sunday Pawzing.”

This is on my mind because someone I know, who we suspect is in an abusive relationship, just had a huge fight with this guy she is living with. Unfortunately her mom was going out of town for the week and bringing her dog to stay with them. This, of course, has me very concerned for her and the dog’s safety.

There is ample research that shows the link between animal violence and human violence. The signs are there in children but people often ignore them. This is a very dangerous thing to do. Continue reading

Sunday Pawsing For The Birthday Girl

It’s Sunday and it’s Cino’s 14th birthday today!

Angels full of unconditional love
Each one is a gift from above
Their life is not to be minimized
But celebrated and recognized

© LeeAnn Johnston/Animals Are Feeling beings Too

Maybe you can help us celebrate with some karaoke. Who’s ready to sing?!

Every life is worth celebrating because every life matters. 🐈🎂🎈

We wish you a Happy Sunday!

Sunday Pause (Paws): In The Cold

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back & relax.

This weekend here is a perfect time to stay in and cozy up with a book, movie, or take a nap. It’s freezing!

These adorable pets below are having fun playing in the snow.

They will be brought in when they are done. Continue reading

Sunday Pause (Paws): Come Together

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back & relax and seriously you all we need to pray. Turning on each other is not the answer.

There is just too much going on in the world (in our country) to even try to fully write about right now.

There is hate, there is violence, there is illness, there is financial worry, and so much more. Aside of these recent global and local battles there has always been abuse. Abuse of animals and abuse of people. I’m afraid with all of the stresses these days this has most likely heightened. So many different challenges people are going through. Just this past week I have heard of two people committing suicide (too close to home). This is one thing that deeply breaks my heart. Thinking that someone felt that much despair that they saw no way out and chose to end their life is such an absolute heartbreaking thing.

A world with no more hate
For that day we can hardly wait
Until then love is what we’ll portray
And on our knees we’ll continue to pray

©LeeAnn Johnston/Animals Are Feeling Beings Too

Not sure what you’re going through but my prayer is you can have a Happy Sunday!

Sunday Pause (Paws): A Strange Christmas

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back & relax!

This has been a hard and strange year and Christmas was strange this year too. Our family didn’t get together because we are trying to remain safe during the pandemic. We celebrated by opening gifts from one another on Skype. It was nice but doesn’t begin to compare to being together.

Christmas always comes & goes so quickly. The poem below I wrote a few years back. I wanted to share it again.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year

People all around are so full of cheer
Bells that are jingling all the way
Songs a plenty about that special day
Children thinking about all of the gifts
Telling Santa what’s on their wish list
Trees decorated so beautiful & bright
That glow beautiful in the silent night
Going here & there travelers abound
Friends and family gathering all around
Candy canes and cookies galore
Mashed potatoes, gravy and so much more
Stockings stuffed with treats for Fido

So full they fall and land on the bible
Everyone stops and remembers the reason
That we celebrate this festive season
It’s not about Santa and his sleigh full of toys
But Jesus’s birth and to the world what joy!
So from me and even my little scrooge too
We wish a very Merry Christmas to you

©Animals Are Feeling Beings Too

I know at this point Christmas has already been & gone Continue reading

Sunday Pause (Paws): Autumn Is Here Once Again

It’s Sunday and autumn is here!

The most beautiful time of the year
Autumn is once again here
Take a walk and enjoy the changing trees
Under your feet hear the crunch of the leaves
Feel the warm sun among the cool breeze
Soak it in because soon comes the time to freeze

copyright LeeAnn Johnston/Animals Are Feeling Beings Too

Relax and have a Happy Sunday!

Sunday Pause (Paws): Only For A Minute

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back and relax.

2020 hasn’t been so fun
We’re ready for it to be done
Masks, sanitizing…I’m sick of this crap
So if you’ll excuse me, I’m getting back to my nap


After all that’s what Sundays are for. Cino woke up to say hi…but only for a minute.

Happy Sunday!

Remember to always BE KIND TO ANIMALS.🦍🐕🐈🐎🐄🐖🐇🐿🐀🦆🐦

Sunday Pause (Paws): Keeping Cool

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back, relax, and be cool.

Right now, where I live, stepping outside is like stepping into a sauna. It’s very steamy. So we’re doing our best to stay cool.

cino-keeping-cool-2020-edited Continue reading

Sunday Pause (Paws): The Message

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back, relax, and look for messages.

This Tuesday it will be three years since my sister, Lisa, passed away. I was looking at some pictures of her and reading some of the poems I wrote after she passed. I was reminded of the messages she sent me during my time of grieving her so I wrote another poem about that.

A hot day and the wind very still
Hoping to cool off in the shade
Sitting on a bench under a tree
Heads bowed while the pastor prayed

A combination of sweat and tears
Rolling down the cheeks on my face
I look over and you’re sitting next to me
We’re preparing your resting place

I was dazed and full of grief
When it came out of nowhere
The strongest and longest breeze
Blowing right through my hair

I lifted up my chin and closed my eyes
I smiled because it was then I knew
I soaked it all in and just received
The message that was coming from you

©LeeAnn Johnston/Animals Are Feeling Beings

20200711_184817 Continue reading