Tag Archives: geese

Sunday Pause (Paws): Fun With New

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back, relax, and enjoy new things.

Isn’t it fun when you get something new? New furniture, a new haircut, a new car, etc. It’s even more fun when it’s something you can play around with.

I just got a new phone and I’m spending WAY too much timing playing around with it to get to know all of the things it can do.

I‘m especially excited about the camera. Here are a few of the very first photos I took with it.

We were taking a little walk in an area we love going to that’s by a river. We were shocked when we saw how flooded the usually beautiful walking and sitting area was. The water came way up into where the picnic tables and benches are. Notice the geese lying on the picnic table relaxing and catching some sun. It’s not bothering them. 🙂

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Saving A Turtle In The Road

Helping another living creature is no small thing, it is saving a life!

The other day when I was coming home from work I noticed something in the road. I drove up slowly to get a look and saw that it was a little turtle inside it’s shell. I pulled over from this busy street to go take a look. I was trying to see if he was still alive, had a broken shell, or what the situation was. Then all of a sudden I saw some movement come from inside the shell and I realized it was his little head moving around. I think he was trying to get a peek at me! 🙂

turtle crossing road

image taken from pixabay.com

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Sunday Pause (Paws): For Autumn, Take Two

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back, relax, and really enjoy nature.

Autumn is my favorite time of year! It’s a comfortable temperature, super cozy, and absolutely beautiful. You definitely need to take a pause and look around at nature this time of year.

My family and I recently went to an arboretum to enjoy the trees changing colors. I mentioned in last Sunday’s post that I might get a few more pics before all of the leaves fall off of the trees and on this day I did.

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Be Patient-It’s a Life

Spring is here! A time for new life for our animal friends.


Tonight on the way home from work I was sitting at a stop sign that is right by a park. I noticed there were four geese and a bunch of babies trotting along in the grass. It is so enjoyable to watch the babies stay so close to their parents and follow their every move. But they were all heading toward the road and I thought “oh, oh, they are going to try to cross.” Continue reading