Tag Archives: autumn

Sunday Pause (Paws): Beauty In The Cloudiness

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back and relax!

It’s been very chilly and gloomy lately here. It’s hard to be motivated and, once again, I was drawing a blank in creating a post for today. I don’t always have something to say. Luckily sometimes nature speaks for itself. I saw a bunch of birds flying around the trees and wooded area outside my home. They were chirping away and seemed to be playing…flying from one tree to another, then flying around some more, and again, landing on a tree or the grass. It was so fun to watch. I was trying to get a picture but it was NOT easy. Somehow I managed to get the picture of the bird below about to take off. It isn’t the best quality because it was a very tiny bird, a cloudy day, and I had to zoom way in. But I still was very happy to have gotten it. I actually didn’t even know I had captured it. I didn’t see the bird open its wings when I was snapping the pictures. It was when I was reviewing the images on my camera that I saw it. It was a pleasant surprise.

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Sunday Pause (Paws): Sun and Colors

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back and relax.

Fall is my favorite season. It’s just too short! I know any time now all the leaves will be completely turned and off the trees. Not only that but the weather is going to get very chilly before we know it.

So I’ll take the lesson from Cino and take it easy and enjoy the warmth of the sun and the beautiful colors while I can. Pets are such great examples of slowing down and enjoying every moment.

Today we’re doing just that. We’re meeting a friend at a park. I hope to get some pics of the leaves and trees. What are your plans? 

Happy Sunday!

Sunday Pause (Paws): Autumn Is Here Once Again

It’s Sunday and autumn is here!

The most beautiful time of the year
Autumn is once again here
Take a walk and enjoy the changing trees
Under your feet hear the crunch of the leaves
Feel the warm sun among the cool breeze
Soak it in because soon comes the time to freeze

copyright LeeAnn Johnston/Animals Are Feeling Beings Too

Relax and have a Happy Sunday!

Sunday Pause (Paws): Beauty, It’s All Around

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back and relax.

Things are so busy for me with the move and I can tell will be for a while. But where I live the last few days we’ve had beautiful weather and I made sure I took time to sit back and enjoy it.

I stopped unpacking and organizing around 6:00 last night so I could sit down, look out the window and enjoy having the windows open, write this post and watch “Jurassic World.” I do not like horror movies or Godzilla type movies but there is something about Jurassic movies I do like. Except, of course, the parts where the dinosaurs are chasing after a pig or when a goat is tied up waiting to be their dinner. 😦

The picture art below is of the beautiful tree right outside my window.

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Sunday Pause (Paws): Photo Fun

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back, relax, and enjoy photos of the beautiful season of fall.


We have had way below average temperatures and it has been rainy and cloudy for weeks. So when I headed out with my new camera on a fall road trip it wasn’t a very ideal day. It didn’t rain but it was still very cloudy and cold. But even so, there were many beautiful trees to see despite the weather.

Along our drive we also saw different animals such as horses, cows, and deer. Continue reading

Sunday Pause (Paws): For Autumn, Take Two

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back, relax, and really enjoy nature.

Autumn is my favorite time of year! It’s a comfortable temperature, super cozy, and absolutely beautiful. You definitely need to take a pause and look around at nature this time of year.

My family and I recently went to an arboretum to enjoy the trees changing colors. I mentioned in last Sunday’s post that I might get a few more pics before all of the leaves fall off of the trees and on this day I did.

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Sunday Pause (Paws): For Autumn

It’s Sunday! A time to kick back, relax, and pause for change.

Change can be something we are excited about or scared of. Change can be good and it can be bad. When it comes to season changes this can also be good, bad, or exciting, depending on how you look at it. Well right now we are smack dab right in the middle of my favorite season…autumn. This change is good and so beautiful!

I have gone on a few day trips lately and tried to capture some of the beauty of autumn. We aren’t having our best year for leaf colors, but it’s still out there.

I ran across this on a sidewalk in a town I was visiting. I thought it was perfect for this post.

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Sunday Pause (Paws): Sharing My Day Trips

It’s Sunday! A time to kick back, relax, and enjoy the beautiful weather.

I have gone on a few day trips lately and I thought I would share some of the pictures with you from these leisurely days.

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It is so important to take a break every week and notice the beauty around you.

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