Tag Archives: animal advocacy

Be Open to Other Views

At times, I find myself reevaluating my approach/beliefs about animals/advocacy after conversations where people are questioning or challenging me. My first reaction when I feel I am being challenged or criticized regarding my love for animals and advocacy for them is to get mad and defensive and tell them that they are wrong. I’m sure that’s a common reaction to anyone who feels challenged about something they feel strongly about. It does get your goat🐐 and it’s hard to forget the conversation. But then I remind myself that sharing thoughts and beliefs (and facts) is how we learn from one another. The other person may even teach you something. 😁


I haven’t changed my mind about advocating but I did stop and think about a few things I could do differently.

So, my friends please remember to always be open to listen another’s point of view, to be respectful, and be kind. Noone wants to listen to a


Fundraiser Coming Soon

It’s been a while so I wanted to say hello! I’m on a new journey so I haven’t been posting much on my blog. But I can’t wait to share the products I’ll soon have available for a fundraiser to help animals. Please say hello back! Since blogging can require regular posting to stay connected with others, it would be nice to see who is still out there. I hope you’re all doing well.


I just found out that August is “Happiness” month and I love that! The truth is those of us who fight for animals can struggle with being “happy” when there is so much cruelty going on.

Anyone who works to help the less fortunate does incredibly hard work. But when the less fortunate are so unfortunate they aren’t even considered by many to be part of society, the toil can feel unbearable.

Taken from the Dodo in a Farm Sanctuary interview

But since August is about “HAPPY” I wanted to focus on that. I made the following video. I hope you enjoy! (Volume up)

Most of us who work in animal advocacy do because we care so much, but you must care for yourself to care for animals.

Taken from Animal Charity Evaluators Roundtable Blog Series

Some suggestions to keep a balanced life is to watch cartoons for a laugh, be with friends & family, and have some enjoyable hobbies.

I will be posting soon the start of a “Let’s Discuss” series. I also am still working on products for sale to raise money for animals in need. Please stay tuned and I hope you’ll participate because this blog isn’t about me, it’s about us all (animals, people, and our society). Thanks!

Cover Photos…What a Pain

Oh my, oh my…is it just me or are cover photos a royal pain?!

I wanted to change the cover photo on my business Facebook Page because I felt the graphic was outdated. This task turned out to be a nightmare. First, you have to figure out what size to create the graphic as, then you have to know the best way to save the graphic so it doesn’t loose quality when uploaded, then you have to adjust it to fit in the space allotted. Viola! Not so much. You look at it on a desktop and it looks good, then you look at it on a mobile phone and the profile picture circle is covering part of the design on one side and showing more blank space on the right. Back to the drawing board! Blah, blah, blah. Please tell me it’s not just me.

So I finally got it to where it’s satisfactory but if any of you have any tips, please share. Also, if you want me to share some of the things I learned, let me know.

Since I was on a mission to get the new cover photo on Facebook I decided to create a similar graphic for the header/banner on my blog. The other banner had animals that were created by someone else and as cute as they are, it is important to me to have animals on there that were created my moi.


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Coming Soon

Hello all. I hope you and your furry ones are doing well!

I am excited to share that this summer I will have some new graphics that will be available on a variety of products for sale. Any money earned will not be for me. I am doing this to raise money for animals in need. Please stay tuned, keep checking back, and please consider purchasing something for yourself or an animal lover in your life.

Cartoon Drawing Lessons Day 1

Hello all!

I‘ve been inspired by a few people to get back to animal advocacy through art. This journey of animal advocacy for me has been interesting and everchanging. It started when I started paying attention to some of the things that we as a society do to animals. In disbelief that this is accepted and allowed I knew I had to do something.

When I was learning Web Design one of my assignments was to start a blog. I knew right away that mine would be on animal advocacy. It is the same blog I am using today. From sharing the graphic details to making it a more appealing and positive experience to attempting to create cartoon-like graphics. I’m still figuring it all out.

I am now learning how to actually draw cartoons through tutorials and classes. If any of you have any tips or resources you can share with me, please let me know.

Today is Day 1 and here is my finished cartoon graphic.

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Reaching Out To Say Hi

Wow, it has been a really long time since I have written a post. I am not sure how many of my followers or fellow bloggers are still out there but if you are, be sure to leave me a comment with a hello! That will help me know who is still around.

I‘m not even sure how this post will turn out. Sometimes you just have so much floating around in your head you don’t even know where to start. When it comes to animals, which is what my blog is about there is just so much heartbreak and disappointment out there, that sometimes I just have to take a break. I see the semi go by me with a bunch of pigs or cows and I can’t bear the thought of their fate. I hear another story about abandoned cats or dogs left on the side of the road or left tied to a tree and all I want to do is cry. I read about a person overdosing and also overdosing their dog and both being found unconscious, and I want to punish the human who did that to an innocent animal. Then there is the fact that there are so many people that don’t understand your heartbreak or anger about these things. But in your soul, you know this is all so wrong. That is what this blogging community is all about. Those of us who do have the compassion and empathy needed to make a difference for animals.

During my break from blogging, I have been exploring some of my other interests. I have been painting a lot and doing a little drawing. I do cartoon type art which is what I like best. I posted a few of them below.

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Sunday Pause (Paws): March 2021

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back and relax.

We all agree that 2020 and even 2021 have been incredibly challenging years. This month has turned out to be a bugger for me as well. March 1st I fell and injured my ankle pretty badly. I have never had anything quite like this happen and it has been very challenging. I tried for the first few weeks to go on with life as normal but it wasn’t working. I was struggling in many ways and the demands of life can make you feel pressured. Now I am concentrating on getting better and making that the priority.

My birthday was last Sunday and there wasn’t much celebrating because of my injury and not being able to get together due to the pandemic. But I received gifts and cards in the mail along with a number of phone calls and messages. My mom also dropped off some goodies and gifts for me.❤️ One of the gifts was a wreath I have been wanting for months that I found on Etsy. Here is a picture of the wreath as I opened it up. It’s still in the box and after checking it over thoroughly, it is also Cino approved.

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Sunday Pause (Paws): Courage

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back and relax. We can take a break but must never stop.

This past week I was in a conversation with a coworker about why I do animal advocating. I don’t even remember how we got on the topic. I just remember telling her about a video on animal experimentation I watched many years ago. I won’t get into the details but I will say that when I told her one thing I saw them do to a dog she was horrified and said “What?! Why would they do that?!” My response…..”EXACTLY!”

Whatever it is you feel is wrong in the world, stand up, be courageous, and make a change.

Happy Sunday!

Do Something

It’s Sunday! Time to kick back and relax. But not for too long because the world needs you, me, WE.

I heard a song recently called “DO SOMETHING” and thought it was perfect not only because that is what I am doing for animals and encouraging others to, but also it seems perfect for the times.

I wrote a poem a while back in this image below and it has the same message the song does. We wonder why God isn’t doing anything. His reply is that he is. He’s waiting for us.

stay strong poem-aafbt Continue reading